Dr. Sivaneswaran Poobalasingam | 14th European Congress of Integrative Medicine
ECIM 2022...

Dr. Sivaneswaran Poobalasingam

Lifestyle Medicine
Tema da palestra
Mindfulness in Clinical Practice

Worldwide we are experiencing a stress epidemic.

Stress activates the neuro-endocrine and sympathetic pathways via the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis and medullary adrenal sympathetic system. Mindfulness has been shown to build stress resilience which helps to mitigate the impact of stress. It has emerged as a promising intervention in the management of stress and its related disorders.

Dr. Sivaneswaran Poobalasingam is the Founder and President of the Malaysian Society of Lifestyle Medicine which is affiliated to the Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance.


He is on the Advisory Board of the International Journal for Disease Reversal and Prevention.


He sits on the US based True Health Initiative Council, the Global Positive Health Institute’s Advisory Council and the National Coalition for Mental Wellness in Malaysia.


He is one of two Asian Physicians to be appointed as Exam Question Writers for the Lifestyle Medicine Board Certification examination. Dr. Siva is the Country Representative for the International Council of Integrative Medicine and the Lifestyle Medicine Global Alliance.


He is also the Vice Chair for the Asian Lifestyle Medicine Council. Dr. Siva is CEO of Amrita Integrative and Lifestyle Medicine Center and Amrita Lifestyle Medicine Academy, a wellness academy.


He is a Board Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician.


He is clinical expertise is in the management of stress and lifestyle diseases which include diabetes, hypertension and food intolerances amongst others.