Dra. Cecilia Cristina Peirone
Tema da palestra
Investigação em ozonoterapia
Currículo breve
- My academic experience started with a degree in Pharmacy at UNC at Córdoba (Argentina) that lead me to work for seven years in Peirone Pharmacy (Technical Director) and a performing a post-graduation in Cosmetics at UCC- Córdoba (Argentina). The following step was a master degree in Pharmacy at University of Porto. The master thesis was about Trastuzumab in Portugal. At the professional level I moved to a work in the Administration of the Health System (Portugal) CHTMAD.EPE, where I had the chance to work in several areas regarding the health system, such as intensive care, internal medicine, psychiatry, urology, and finally, nominated for oncological team. My academic experience continued in a PhD program in Veterinary – specialization in Biomedical. The thesis is about Intra-peritoneal Ozone-therapy, applied to cancer disease. I analyzed the role of Ozone-therapy in the animal model K14, with very good results, high rates of reversal and absence of toxicity in the use of this novel application pathway. Recently, we have been testing the behavior of MRSA bacteria against ozonized oils in vitro and in vivo with very hopeful results.