Prof. Dr Mário Simões | 14th European Congress of Integrative Medicine
ECIM 2022...

Prof. Dr Mário Simões

Tema da palestra
Jubilie and Longevity- Psychological Contributions

Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist .Holds both a M.A. and Ph.D. in Psychiatry.


Retired aggregate Professor of Psychiatry and Consciousness Sciences1, Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon (FML), Portugal1a. Past Director of the Post-Graduation Course in Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon2


Director of LIMMIT - Laboratory of Mind-Matter Interaction withTherapeutic Intention4 at FML, sponsored by Bial Foundation.  Past Member of the Organizing Committee of the Symposia “Behind and Beyond the Brain” of the Bial Foundation of Porto, Portugal and member of the Scientific Committee of the Bial Foundation5.


Co-author of the book “Psychology of Consciousness - a transpersonal perspective” 6. Co-author of the book "Manual of Clinical Hypnosis - theory, research and practice" 7. Co-author of Psychotherapy Trajectory of Life8 and its Workshop for the areas of Psychology, Education, Business and Social


Co-Founder of ALUBRAT – Portuguese and Brazilian Association for Transpersonal Psychology and President from 1996 to 2004 and from 2005 to 2019 its President of General Assembly 9.


Co- Founder of IMAGINAL – Portuguese Association of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. President of General Assembly from 1998 to 201910.


Supervisor or co-supervisor of 12 Ph. D Thesis.


Research interests: psychology and psychophysiology of altered states of consciousness, ethno medicine, human exceptional experiences and psychology and spirituality.