Prof. Dr. Rossi Elio Giovanni
Infectious disease - Homeopathy
Tema da palestra
Integrative Oncology
Currículo Breve
Curriculum vitae of Elio Rossi Born in Alessandria (Italy) in 1954, graduated cum laude at the University of Milan (Italy) in Medicine in 1979; specialized in Infectious Diseases in 1982. Co-founder of Lycopodium group Homeopathia Europea in 1979. Since 1991 Member of the Faculty of Homeopathy of London (MFHom) and FFHom (Hon) since 2018. Listened as expert on AIDS and complementary therapy by the National Commission on AIDS of the Italian Ministry of Health (1995). President of Scientific Board of 51st International Congress of Liga Medicorum Homeopathica Internationalis, Capri 2-6 October 1996. Member of Complementary Medicine National Commission of Italian Ministry of Health 1996-2001 and of the CM Regional Commission of Tuscany since 1998. Scientific director of the national journal Medicina Integrata since 1998, and author of the weekly rubric The Other Medicine on “R. Salute” supplement of the national newspaper Repubblica (2004 – 2014). Director of the Homeopathic Clinic, Regional Center of reference, and Director of the Coordination center for CM of the Health Unit Tuscany North West. Director of the clinic of CM in oncology of the Hospital of Lucca. Member of the board of the Tuscan Regional Center for Integrative Medicine (since 2019). Lecturer of Master courses on CM in oncology (Integrative oncology) at the University of Chieti and University “La Sapienza” Rome He participated in the European Union Working Group 2 of COST Action E39 “Forest, Trees, and Human Health and Wellbeing” (2010). Advisor for CM projects in international cooperation programs of UNOPS (United Nations) since 1999 and consultant of ART/UNDP Geneve-Bruxelles. Co-president of the 5th European Congress Integrative Medicine 2012 in Florence. Member of the Tuscany Region delegation of the Inter-regional “Complementary Medicine” Group of the National Health Commission-Italian State-Regions Conference (2007-2015). Scientific responsible of the chapter CAM in cancer care of the European Partnership Action Against Cancer. Since 2015 member of the Quality Assurance Scheme Development Group for Breast Cancer services managed by JRC (Ispra) and promoted by European Commission Breast Cancer Initiative. Co-author of the book Complementary medicine for cancer patient. Firenze, 2015 and author and co-author of numerous international CM publications.