Oral Communications | 14th European Congress of Integrative Medicine
ECIM 2022...
As comunicações orais permitem agora a todos aqueles que viram o seu artigo científico ser aceite pelo comité do 14º Congresso Europeu de Medicina Integrativa apresentar o seu trabalho perante a comunidade. A entrada é livre para qualquer pessoa que tenha um bilhete de acesso ao evento, seja ao Congresso, à IX Jornada de Ozonoterapia ou a qualquer um dos cursos. Será uma tarde de partilha científica e uma excelente oportunidade para aceder a mais conhecimento!

Super Bock Arena,
Porto, PT


30 de Set 2022
Sexta-feira - 14h



Programa presencial

30 de setembro > Sexta-feira

HoraOradorTemaComunicação oralDuração
Katja JobelHerbal medicine / CancerExploring herbal medicines use in cancer patients in Chile10m
Mr. Jan Kyncl and Mrs. Eva KynclovaArt therapy / clowningPsychosomatic concept of disease and healing / healthcare clowning10m
Nadja KlafkeIntegrative counseling / cancerEvaluation of an integrative counselling service10m
Ana NapoleãoNutrition / weight loss "A pilot Keto-diet intervention: the future of weight management optimising fat loss and muscle protection?"10m
Desislava VankovaIntegrative Medicine, traditional healing systems and methodsMixed methods approaches to integrative and complementary medicine. A study at Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria.10m
Flaviane FariasGeriatric medicine, nutrition, epidemiologyThe relationship between nutritional status and sedentary behavior in the elderly non-institutionalized Portuguese population as a risk factor for sarcopenia10m
Marwah Al-Anbakimulticentric cluster-randomized trial (pilot study)Hibiscus sabdariffa, a treatment for uncontrolled hypertension. Pilot comparative intervention.10m
Prof. Dr. med. Jost LanghorstHyperthermia / Fibromyalgia SyndromeMild Whole-Body Hyperthermia Reduces Pain in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome10m
Gabriele RotterAcupuncture and Osteopathic Medicine. RCTAcupuncture and Osteopathic Medicine for Atopic Dermatitis – a Three-armed. Randomized Controlled Explorative Clinical Trial10m
Dr. Coblentz-BaumannQualitative research in integrative oncology (homeopathy)Homeopathy as supportive care for non-metastatic breast cancer in France: a qualitative study (TOUCAN)10m
Anne-Laure CavinTraditional products in managing public health challengesTreating head lice with popular local products in low-resource communities and refugee camps
Tiffany HuberHerbal therapy / anxiety & sleep disordersBryophyllum pinnatum for the treatment of anxiety10m
Angélica Carreira dos Santos"Health professionals' perceptions of integrative medicine in the
holistic care of hospitalized children and their families"
Angélica Carreira dos Santos"Anthroposophic medicine for anxiety: The impact of anthroposophic therapies on inpatient child oncology patients in a Brazilian pediatric hospital"10m
Bertrand GrazCovid-19COVID-19 pandemic: Complementary and alternative medicines’ use in Switzerland and Germany. A retrospective treatment-outcome study10m
Javier CespedesEstudo da FEVE e Peptídeos Natriuréticos em pacientes com Insuficiência cardíaca, tratados com terapia de ozônio.10m
Wiebke Kathrin Kohl-HecklHpertension and kardiovascular deseasse, systematic review and meta-analysisMBSR for Arterial Hypertension - Results of a Meta-Analysis and Systematic Review10m
Ivana WildnerOdontologyDentosophy: The heart of dental dynamics10m
Dr. Matthias KrözSalutogenesis, integrative medicine, psychometric measuresThe Saluto-Hygiogenetic EvALuation Group (S-HEAL): a network for the development and validation of psychometric measures on regulation and healing processes – an update with standard operation procedures 10m

1 de Outubro > Sábado

HoraOradorTemaComunicação oralDuração
10hJoanna DietzelTCM/DiabetesAcupuncture in diabetic peripheral neuropathy-related complains- results of a randomized controlled trial10m
10h10Joanna DietzelIntegrating TCM in healthcare - meta-analysis and systematic reviewAuricular stimulation for preoperative anxiety - a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled clinical trials10m
10h20Dra Miriam OrtizAcupressure in Patients with Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis 10m
10h30Marta Correia CarvalhoResearch (RCT)Effect of frequency of acupuncture treatment on hemodialysis patients: a randomized controlled trial.10m
10h40Jaquelyn Mottaintegrative veterinary oncology*nutriotionBeneficial effect of ketogenic diet on liver tumor10m
10h50Jaquelyn Mottaveterinary medicine/case reportKetogenic Diet as Treatment for Primary Aggressive oral Cancer - Case report10m
11h00Ana Carolina Salemclinical research (non-randomised)Evaluation of the effect of Reiki in reducing anxiety in women10m
11h10Dr PerkoOdontologyBiological Oral Surgery10m
11h20Dra. Luisa Narvaez"Spices and plant foods as natural remedies for diabetes control."10m
11h30Carrie Thomson-Caseypsycholgy, behaviourial sciencesPsychologists’ engagement with complementary and integrative medicine10m

Programa online

OradorTemaComunicação oral
Marc TroendleIntegrative med. Practices / pediatricsHealth professionals' perceptions of integrative medicine in the holistic care of hospitalized children and their families
Miranda HarrisNutrition and selfemangementNutritional knowledge, attitude, and behaviour of post-menopausal women living in the United Kingdom, and the relationship of nutritional knowledge, attitude, and behaviour with menopausal symptom severity
Rosaria FerreriResearch - pragmatic studyFybromialgia and Integrated Medicine: an overview and a Real World Study on Outcome Reported patients
Praag BhardwajCOVID-19Online Sudarshan Kriya Yoga for 12 Weeks Reduces Burnout in Indian Medical Professionals during COVID-19: Interim Analysis of a Single Arm Trial
Ana Beatriz DuarteIntegrative MedicineReference Center for Integrative Health Practices: a space for teaching and health care.
Tomas pfeifferIntegrative oncology, case studyBIOTRONICS – New therapy for integrative oncology, case series
Tomas pfeifferIntegrative medicine, international networkingPlatform 2020 Prague